#There are no real tests. This makefile was used to prepare some actual data. splitdis: #split append_5ph.dis into one file for each matrix distlines '($. . ".ndis") if m/^\d+$/' append_5ph.dis POGDIS: # submit all the .ndis files to trexhgt using rem_0708inf_upd.dis as common matrix ../trexhgt --verbose rem_0708inf_upd.dis POG*.dis #trexhgt.tab: ##tabulate the results # perl -n -e 'END{$,="\t"; $\="\n"; @v = sort keys(%v); ; print "key/value", @v ; foreach (sort keys(%m)) {$k = $_; print $k, map {$m{$k}{$_}} @v};}; $v{$2} ++; $m{$1}{$2} ++ if m/\d+\s+(\S+) --- (\S+)/' *.trexhgt > trexhgt.tab # perl -n -e 'print "$1\t$2\n" if m/^From branch \d+--(\S+) to branch 15--(\S+)$/' *.trexhgt > trexhgt.tab #zip trexhgt *.trexhgt